Mimi's Alcove

Mimi's Alcove

Monday, 30 July 2012

The thrill of the hunt

Part of the reason why I got hooked into collecting and showcasing vintage items is the fact that searching for quality vintage items is incredibly addictive!

The searches have taken me everywhere, from your local thrift shop, yard sales, to auctions. These include in Singapore and overseas as I find the variety better when you don’t limit yourself to geographical boundaries. And really, you never know where the next gem might turn up!

Yes, it can be time-consuming and one must have a good eye to be able to discern the true vintage from the trash, the excitement of spotting something beautiful hidden among or behind other trinkets and novelty items is indeed something to revel in.

As they say, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure! You never know what you’ll find!


Monday, 23 July 2012

How the Alcove came to be

My journey of collecting vintage ‘stuff’ began several years ago when my grandma gave me her prized antique silver and glassware. They were absolutely stunning and I fell head over heels in love with their look, quaintness and quality.

In a bid to upsize my newly-started collection, I started going to vintage and antique shops, garage and estate sales to source for more treasures. And my goodness, such treasure! From vintage fine china plates with gorgeous floral designs, delicate glass cut bowls to mosaic and handpainted lamps and enamel broaches, my collection has grown astoundingly over the years!

Finding that a lot of modern-ware and accessories pale in comparison to vintage items in terms of craftsmanship, look and elegance, I decided to set up a shop to showcase and share my love of all things vintage.

This shop was borne out of my passion and so do feel free to contact me should anything catch your eye!

Happy Shopping

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Grand Opening

Welcome One, Welcome All.

More stuff will be up soon and hopefully a proper interface for all.

Happy Shopping